Anti-Racism Resources

We've gathered resources for adults and parents with children of all ages. Our power as human beings come from our ability to learn and adapt. These resources will help you build a stronger future for your child. Scroll down to view all.

“We can only end racism by talking with all of our children about how unfair it is, by admitting that all of us have a tendency to judge people based on appearance, by pointing out the terrible cost to people of color but also to our entire society, and by teaching our children that treating all people fairly matters.”

Dr Laura, Aha Parenting

What is microaggression?

Sean, one of our young team members, has created these short animated videos to illustrate what it can be.

Microagression is indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group. Perpetrators of microaggressions are often unaware they're doing it, and victims of microaggressions are often unaware in the moment, yet suffer from long term effects. Microaggressions appear in three forms: microassault, microinsult, and microinvalidation.

More Valuable Resources

The Yumi Resource Center for kids and The Wyldflower Collective did extensive research and we adapted it. Check out their pages for even more resources.