Children across America are SPEAKING UP against racism. Add your voice below!

The statement can be a simple video where the child speaks to the camera or a different form of expression – such as arts, music, science or written word. See below for sample pledges and affirmations or visit our statement archive

We suggest talking with your child about racism and let them decide if they want to make a statement, what they want to say – and how. Please see our Anti-Racism Resource page for help.


  • Record a 5-40 second video on your smart phone or tablet, ideally horizontal

  • Submit your video above or email the video to

  • Please write the child’s first name, age, city and state in the email.

    By submitting a video, you agree to the following: I am the parent or legal guardian of the child or children seen in this video and I acknowledge that this video in whole or in part will be used as part of the KIDS SPEAK UP PROJECT and that it will be posted online on social media at and screened at festivals if invited. I hearby release and hold harmless KIDS SPEAK UP from and against any and all liability in connection therewith.

We will edit together parts of each video and create an ever-growing statement. Individual clips and edited video will be posted on Instagram, Twitter, online at and screened at festivals, if invited.


What a child wants to say
will depend a lot on their age,
and that’s okay. Simple is good.
Just let the child express their voice.

Here are some questions that can get you started:

- How does what’s happening in our county/city/country make you feel?

- What would you like to see change in our country?

- What do you think the adults in our country need to think about to make our world a place where all people are treated equally?

Here are some examples of statements that have come in, just to give an idea of the variety:

“Racism is unfair.”

“I like my friend and I think you would like her too if you knew her.”

“I don’t want my friend to be afraid because of the color of his skin.”

“It scares me that some people are treated unfairly.”

Pledges and affirmations to use as inspiration


To be an anti-racist ally. 

That nothing matters if you don’t matter. Nothing matters if I don’t matter.

To be a change agent to alter the way people think and in turn make it safer for the next generation.

To use my voice and expression in the fight for your rights. To use my voice and expression in the fight for my rights.

To speak up about injustices I see and experience, and to have the courage to stand up for what’s right, even when it makes me feel uncomfortable.



...somebody self-defined

...confident to speak up for what’s fair

...strong enough to speak up against racist actions or words

...the strength of my character

...worthy & deserving

...proud of myself


...all my friends to have the same chance to achieve their dreams as I do.

...a society where all my friends are treated equally

I WILL out and respect the character of others.

...speak up if a friend is racist. my friends find the confidence to be anti-racist.

...honor the pain and sacrifices of all our citizens

...acknowledge my privilege and use it to create a just society.